Thursday, June 15, 2006

Keeping Score

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Blogger Vicky Jo said...

Bill, this sounds so much like aspirational Te to me! The idea that a blood test so you can *prove* your type seems to come from such an empirical desire, a craving for a black-and-white result.

Now let me tell you why I hate the idea. I'll use one word: genocide. Genocide.

One of the reasons type fell out of vogue was because of Hitler's attempts to create the Aryan race. It resulted in millions of people dying because they were of "inferior" stock.

God forbid anyone should be so CERTAIN of our psychological type code that they could try to exterminate those with "undesirable" patterns. I'd like to think it wouldn't happen, but with the shadow of Hitler so close by, how can I?

I think most INFs feel undesirable enough now without the threat of holocaust confronting us. :-(

September 25, 2006  

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