Thursday, June 15, 2006

Interaction Style Pattern

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Blogger Jen said...

Great explanation about the different interaction styles!! I have had my teachers tell me that I am very "task oriented" -- in fact, I've noticed now that when I'm teaching a class (I've recently been student teaching) that throughout the lesson I'm always saying what we will do next so everybody is on track with me.
Coincidentally, I was on my HS drill team as well and I remember the times where I did create a performance on my own or with someone, I certainly did cover all the bases to "chart the course" for everyone.
Its something you don't notice until you catch yourself in the middle of it.

But yes, I'm certainly a fellow INFJ.

November 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an INFP I hate to be in charge, but I'm great to have on staff! When my son's scout leader quit my husband asked if we could take it over together, which we did. I figure out what we will do at the meeting and he leads it. It's a perfect example of how INFP personalities like to work in the background. I can be in charge if I have to, but hate it. I look at it from how everybody feels if nobody is in charge. I lead my kids birthday parties because I feel it's important for everyone to have a good time, especially the birthday child. When the party is over I go into hiding! In a work environment I like to be able to work on my own. I will accomplish pretty much whatever is asked (it's the people-pleaser in me), but I want to be asked, not told. It shouldn't make a difference, but it does. I want to be given a choice (even though I know the only answer is "yes, I will"). Those are the best questions anyway because I already know the answer and I can make the person asking it happy.😊

January 30, 2016  

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