It IS a Catalyst Temperament attribute, but INFPs seem more invested in it than anyone.
From over here, I make up that is the demonic Ti showing -- major resistance to *anything* that sounds like they could be put in a "box." There's an extreme allergy about the possibility of that happening.
I love where you're looking! I'm going to make up an answer, knowing that I may be making a broad, sweeping generalization.
When introverted Thinking (aka "analyzing") is an ego-systonic process -- which it is for INFJs in their Tertiary -- it enjoys categorizing and doesn't mind Being categorized. Uniqueness is less important than getting the categories or frameworks "right."
When introverted Thinking is an ego-dystonic process, meaning it is a Shadow process (the "bottom" four processes), there is resistance and discomfort with analyzing, categorizing, and especially BEING categorized. Introverted Feeling (no doubt an ego-systonic process in these type patterns!) is going to TRUMP that consciousness and take a stand to elevate the need for a unique personal identity in its stead.
Neither perspective is "right" (which is always the cool thing with these processes), but you can begin to see the "tension of opposites" that begins to show up between these processes.
It IS a Catalyst Temperament attribute, but INFPs seem more invested in it than anyone.
From over here, I make up that is the demonic Ti showing -- major resistance to *anything* that sounds like they could be put in a "box." There's an extreme allergy about the possibility of that happening.
I love where you're looking! I'm going to make up an answer, knowing that I may be making a broad, sweeping generalization.
When introverted Thinking (aka "analyzing") is an ego-systonic process -- which it is for INFJs in their Tertiary -- it enjoys categorizing and doesn't mind Being categorized. Uniqueness is less important than getting the categories or frameworks "right."
When introverted Thinking is an ego-dystonic process, meaning it is a Shadow process (the "bottom" four processes), there is resistance and discomfort with analyzing, categorizing, and especially BEING categorized. Introverted Feeling (no doubt an ego-systonic process in these type patterns!) is going to TRUMP that consciousness and take a stand to elevate the need for a unique personal identity in its stead.
Neither perspective is "right" (which is always the cool thing with these processes), but you can begin to see the "tension of opposites" that begins to show up between these processes.
I would love to fit in and be just like everyone else.
But the other half of me wants to be special and unique...otherwise..whats the point?
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