Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Time Machine

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Blogger Irene said...

I should have said, "despite this apparently being an INFJ preference." "Supposedly" seems a bit cynical to say, although some might say I am a bit of a cynic.

August 05, 2009  
Anonymous Liz said...

I have just found this website and have been reading with great interest. I have time/space synaesthesia and had wondered if that has anything to do with type, although I've always understood it to be due to one part of the mind "not maturing". The time machine exercise was tricky as I can't think of time in any way other than on my "number line" - but it's more complicated than that as my way of internally visualising time depends on whether we're talking about years, months or days. Days of the week go round in an ellipse shape, days within months of the year in a peculiar L-shape (the ends of which I have to 'bend' together when I am thinking about the New Year period), years go past in a line which veers off in various directions. Trying to imagine the location of the future I'd have to say it starts off going to the right but further in the future veers ahead in front of me..
So I presume my inability to *not* visualise time indicates I have a preference for NP, going on Lenore Thomson's piece. I'd be fascinated to hear of synaesthesia has anything to do with this!

September 13, 2011  

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